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Make An Appointment

For an appointment for a digital mammogram, ultrasound or a breast MRI, please call: 617-553-5300 or contact us now.

Referring Physicians

We hope to provide both you and your patient’s quick and convenient access to care. We require a written requisition for consultation/evaluation of all diagnostic patients. If anything other than a screening mammogram is being requested, we must have a written requisition.

Scheduling for Breast Imaging including Mammography and Ultrasound

To schedule a patient simply call us at 617-553-5300 or fill out the order form labeled “Breast Imaging Referral Form”, click on the pdf link below and download.


Scheduling for a Breast MRI

To schedule a patient for a breast MRI exam simply call 617-553-5300 or fill out the order form labeled “Aurora Breast MRI Referral Form”, click on the pdf link below and download. It will be helpful to have the following information:

  • Patient’s name, date of birth, home and work phone numbers
  • Diagnosis and indications for breast MRI
  • Are any recent mammograms and/or ultrasound films and reports available?
  • Schedule breast MRI between days 7 and 14 of the menstrual cycle
  • Pre-certification of insurance is required prior to performing the MRI

If the patient has a written order from her physician, she may schedule her own exam by calling the number above directly. You can fax written orders in advance to 617-553-5353.


Patient Information for the Aurora Breast MRI

To help you and your patient understand what to expect during her breast MRI exam, please give her a copy of our patient information brochure entitled, “You Have Been Referred for an Aurora Breast MRI Exam”. You can download this brochure by clicking on the pdf link below.

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